Friendswood, Texas Speed Traps
FM 528 near School
Speed limit dropes to 45,wide open 5 lane road. Money maker for the city and DPS.
Blackhawk Boulevard near FM 2351
There is a small park between FM 2351 and Friendswood Link Dr. where an officer will frequently post. Unsuspecting drivers rarely spot the patrol car, and yes, they will pull over anyone going above 30 MPH.
FM 2351 near Clear Creek Bridge
Heading east on FM2351 there is a slight curve to the right just before the Clear Creek bridge and police sit on a parallel dead-end road off to the right facing oncoming traffic and aren’t readily noticeable.
FM 528 near San Joaquin Parkway
Almost constantly there will be an officer between Friendswood Dr. and San Joaquin Pkwy (often sitting in the parking lot of the school on this stretch of road). The speed limit was decreased this year, and ever since, there has been a cop on this road EVERY time I pass (at least 4 times/week) and USUALLY with one or two vehicles pulled over. They don’t seem to pull at <5 mph over the limit.
FM 528 near School
The speed limit is 55 mph, drops to 45 mph, then after a mile or two, goes back up to 55 mph.