Friendswood, Texas Speed Traps
Stadium Lane near West Edgewood Drive
The street to the side of Westwood Elementary/in front of Zue Bales Intermediate. The speed limit is 20mph, the police have various obstacles to hide behind to catch motorists coming from either way.
FM 2351 near FM 518
No posted speed limit on FM2351 except at the corner of FM2351 and FM 518. If you turn onto FM2351 from any other street, there are no speed limit signs until the 45MPH sign. Speed limit is enforced as 40 MPH but only sign at clear creek bridge is 45 MPH. Police run speed trap just in front before Clear Creek bridge when speed limit changes to 45 MPH. There is no traffic hazard, just the Friendswood police running a money earning operation.
Beamer Street near south end towards heritage park Subdivision
they always sit on the end of beamer and some of the side drives to it.
Its a 35mph zone that is long and straight and its real hard to stay on 35. They issue tickets constantly and my wife that should know better got one the other day.
Greenbriair Street near Friendswood High School
Sit in parking lot, waiting for you to cross from the 30 MPH into the 20 and pounce.
FM 528 near FM 518
Speed limit is set for 45, traffic is generally flowing at 55. Police patrol this area often.