Frisco, Texas Speed Traps

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On College between Hillcrest and Coit

Frisco, TexasJun 05, 20180 Comments

Police are always parked in turning lanes on College, to catch drivers going over the 35 mph speed limit. Both streets at the end of this section of College have speed limits of 40 (Hillcrest) and 45 (Coit). College is defintely a speed trap!!! It must be how Frisco makes its revenue!!

Teel Pkwy between Eldorado and Main streets

Frisco, TexasAug 03, 20170 Comments

From Eldorado, traveling north and south on Teel Pkwy, is a small section where it is 40 mph. All the other roads going north and south, regardless if it is a school area, is 45 mph. The motorcycle cop sits hidden around the corner (going south) in the golf club.

The whole city

Frisco, TexasAug 12, 20150 Comments

The city gains their money off ticketing traffic violations. If you ever drive through Frisco you will see the excessive amount of cops patrolling the streets and you have a 50% chance of seeing someone pulled over. This city is pathetic.

Legacy Drive between Warren & Lebanon

Frisco, TexasAug 17, 20140 Comments

Speed limit goes from 45mph down to 40mph. One night I had a Frisco cop tailing me in the middle lane, almost as though he was pushing me to go a little faster:( I was driving at 39 mph, so he whipped over into the left lane and got some guy doing about 45mph instead. I drive this route everyday and see cars pulled over almost daily. On Friday morning, 8/15/14, I happened to drive back and forth on Legacy twice and also sat outside at Starbucks and in that hour period I saw 6 cars get ticketed. There needs to be a sign posted closer to Warren letting drivers know that the speed is reduced ahead. Let’s spend some of our tax dollars on that sign! This is definitely a speed trap!

Jeromy /Belle Chasse Lane

Frisco, TexasOct 27, 20121 Comments

Just got a ticket. Officer admitted that they sit at this intersection to catch speeding and running Stop sign.

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