Garden Ridge, Texas Speed Traps

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40 mph

Garden Ridge, TexasJun 27, 20120 Comments

Trap located going south on FM 3009, 55mph to 40mph. Lat 29.626 Deg. N, Long 98.293 Deg West as you enter city.

On Bat Cave Road

Garden Ridge, TexasJul 13, 20110 Comments

If you are coming from either Schoenthal Road turning left onto Bat Cave or
coming from a housing area further up Bat Cave from Schoenthal, there is a large rise about 100 yards on Bat Cave where right over the rise the cops will pull into trees on the left side of the road headed toward FM2252 and try to nail folks as they come over the rise. The speed limit is 35MPH and if you don’t stick to it, they’ll stick it to you either there or other places along Bat Cave (in sleepy little Garder Ridge, they have nothing else to do … they also issue citations if you water your yard on your non-watering day during draughts … it’s against the law to have green grass in Garden Ridge!).

On FM 3009 through the whole city limit

Garden Ridge, TexasFeb 23, 20112 Comments

Speed limit is either 40mph or 55 mph. The cops like to sit in the 40mph zone and if you are going South as soon as you cross into the 40mph they are waiting. Also they are hard on anyone hauling material on a trailer.

FM 3009 near NACODOCHES Road

Garden Ridge, TexasMay 13, 20081 Comments

hids behind bushes in the dark no lights on about 1 mile
before getting to nacodoches road, all the time
also garden cops lie on there ticket, i got one for flashing my headlights to on coming car and the car was a cop, he gave me a ticket and wrote i left my bright light on and would not turn them off,

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