Garland, Texas Speed Traps
W. Walnut between Shiloh and Jupiter
Motorcycle cops in morning school zone and afternoons in summer. They hide at the clinic frequently.
East Miller Road east of Centerville
West bound Miller just as you enter Garland at the end of the Rowlett Creek bridge. Speed limit in Rowlett is 40 but because it’s downhill to cross the bridge, the average speed of most motorists is between 50 and 55 which is a very reasonable speed for a wide open 4-lane roadway. They catch you coming off the bridge. Shame on Garland!
George Bush (190) Northbound, just south of Renner Rd
Laser gun-armed motorcycle policeman with very good aim is out during the daytime, catching numerous cars which are heading northbound between Firewheel and Renner.
East bound George Bush as it ends at Hwy 78
Motorcycle police sit under the highway 78 bridge as speed changes from 70 to 50…also same area they sit in the Home Depot parking lot where speed decreases from 50 to 40. They are there A LOT.
Lookout Drive between 190 & Jupiter Rd.
An officer usually hangs out at the entrance to the park parking lot there. The speed limit is 35 and is through a residential and park area and has a good sized curve. Slow down here, or you’ll end up with a ticket at some point.