George West, Texas Speed Traps
Hwy 59 and 281
This is a Hwy and city cops run it all day giving tickets like hot cakes. There is a new bridge they put up going over the railroad and the City cops sits on one side or the other just waiting on you to come over the speed limits drop from 75, 70, 55, 45 with in yards of each other. Mind you this is City cops not Hwy patrol not Sheriff dep. At this bridge on hwy 59 and 281 also on hwy 37 and 59 be vigilant if you are going through George West..
Under pass at hw37 and 59
State trooper parked under bridge at intersection of highway 37 and 59 in George west.
Hwy 281 toward US 59
Driving north highway 281, turning right to US 59, speed goes from 45, 55 to 70, just as the previous writer described, I got a speeding ticket at this same location. I however; requested a court date to contest it and I was advised that it will be at least 9 months to one year to get a court date, this was August 2013 and I’m still waiting. We travel frequently and sure enough, we have people getting stopped in the same place, usually an officer is waiting.
Highway 281 and 59 exchange
It’s best to avoid George West altogether. I’ve known about this speed trap for years, and I still got caught in it once because the speed limit drops so suddenly and without warning when you take 59 West to 281 South headed towards the valley. Tickets aren’t cheap either–$170 minimum.
US Hwy 281
They keep the school zone lights flashing all day long, which makes the speed limit 35. An officer likes to sit on the northbound side of the road in the shade of an overhang from an old tan building on the corner by a stoplight, where you can’t see him.