Geronimo, Texas Speed Traps

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Hwy 123 in Geronimo, TX

Geronimo, TexasMay 16, 20110 Comments

Hwy 123 north from I-10 is 55; Hwy 123 through Geronimo is 45 from the stop light by Navarro High School all the way past the blinking lights north of the community. This is a big trap on the weekends!

State Hwy 123 & FM 1101

Geronimo, TexasAug 02, 20090 Comments

All of hwy 123 between I-10 in Seguin, and I-35 in San Marcos…about 15 miles. The speed limit changes back and forth between 45, 55, 60, & 65 mph and back every mile or so. You better hope you don’t miss a speed limit sign. To make things even worse TxDOT will soon be changing from 2 lanes each direction to one lane each way with a left turn lane at certain intersections. TxDOT will also be adding traffic signals at certain intersections.

State Highway 123 near Navarro Elementary School

Geronimo, TexasJul 31, 20070 Comments

Guadalupe County Sheriff and State Troopers (DPS) both set up near here often, shooting radar on State Hwy 123. Both Eastbound and Westbound traffic are targeted.

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