Henrietta, Texas Speed Traps

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US 82 (E Omega St) as you enter Henrietta

Henrietta, TexasMar 22, 20220 Comments

Clay County Sheriff’s Office has speed traps on US 82 (Omega St) right at the eastern edge of city of Henrietta limit, where the speed limit drops from 70 to 45 in about a quarter mile before you even see houses on sides of the road.
100+ speeding tickets a week for a city / department of this small size. Sheriff used revenue from traffic tickets to justify budget increase for more deputies.

Hwy 287 at Old Myers Rd

Henrietta, TexasJun 27, 20190 Comments

An officer from the sheriff’s department was driving 5 mph below the posted speed limit of 75 mph in the right lane. I was behind him and started to attempt to pass him in the left lane but thought better of it, knowing the town was a speed trap and I’d probably be falsely accused of speeding, even though I probably would’ve been able to pass him going 75 mph. So I took my foot off the gas in order to slow down and move back to the right lane. Better to be safe than get a ticket! Unfortunately, three more cars had filed in behind him into the right lane and also refused to pass him for the same reason, making it impossible for me to get back to the right. I knew I needed to get out of the left lane so I slowed even more in order to get behind the line of cars now in the right lane. Of course, no one was letting me in. The officer slowed even more, making it difficult for me to get back into the right lane as it was now congested, thanks to him. Every time I slowed another 5 mph, he did the same. I knew he was trying to force me to pass him so he could ticket me for speeding, which I continued to refuse to do. After 3-4 minutes of him matching my slower and slower speed, he pulled over to the right shoulder to let the stream of cars in the right lane pass him. Once the right lane was open, I then moved back into the right lane. The whole time, I made certain I was going less than the speed limit. He waited on the shoulder until I passed him, then merged behind me where he drove on my tail for a couple minutes. Being fully aware that a marked sheriff’s car was directly behind me, you can bet that i made sure i was going under the limit! But sure enough, I see his lights flashing within about a minute. When asked for my license and insurance, I asked why I was pulled over, given that I was in no way speeding and was even passed on the right by several cars. He got angry off the bat and told me he wasn’t telling me anything until i handed over my license. He then claimed that when he got behind me, i was “weaving all over the road.” LOL! That was not what i expected to be accused of! First, anyone who has driven 287 through the panhandle knows the right lane has deeply grooved rumble strips at the shoulder and there are raised markers in between the two lanes. In no way would I have been able to drive on the rumble strips or lane markers without myself and/or my two passengers noticing. He then accused me of drinking, which was a joke. I said that in no way had been drinking nor was i weaving and offered to take a breathalyzer test and perform a field sobriety test right then and there. At this point, he got angrier and called me “rude” and said he had the video footage to prove I was weaving. Again, unless a person is inebriated beyond all ability to function, how can they drive over the rumble strips or raised markers and not notice? I never even brushed them for a second. He was lying and looking for any reason to ticket me, since he knew a speeding ticket wasn’t going to work. Yet he still refused to allow me to take a breathalyzer or field test? It makes no sense to allow a driver who was allegedly “weaving all over” the world’s loudest rumble strips not to take a test. Anyone doing that should go straight to jail! He then changed the subject and said you aren’t supposed to drive in the left lane. I asked him if he had seen the line of cars in the right lane and explained that I could not move back over without passing him and didn’t want a ticket. He again said I was being argumentative and threatened to arrest me. Arrested for arguing? Uh, ok. All I did was explain why I was stuck in the left lane and also said that I was more than willing to show that I hadn’t been drinking, if given the opportunity.  I have never dealt with such an I’ll-tempered officer. He had already made up his mind to pull me over, he was just making up the reasons why as he went along and kept trying to intimidate me. He then took my license and insurance card and held them for 15+ minutes which seems excessive for what ended up being a written warning (which was poorly written, BTW.) This guy is a bully with a badge. He blocked the right lane and changed his speed in order to try to force me to speed past. When I didn’t fall for his trick, he lied and said I was weaving when I was not. These are facts that my two passengers can and will corroborate. He makes the good cops look bad. I’d tell anyone reading this not to speed in Henrietta but realistically, they’ll try to think of something to ticket you for, even if you aren’t speeding. Good luck.

Henrietta, Hwy 287

Henrietta, TexasFeb 02, 20110 Comments

Just drove out of Wichita Falls, was riding with my fiance in his grandma’s car and she had disabled vet tags on her car, she was sitting in the back b/c she didn’t want to drive. My fiance realized he was speeding then set the cruise control to 70 (he was going 74). About 5 min later, he got pulled by a TX state trooper that said he was doing 80. I think he only got pulled b/c the cop suspected the car was stolen, he saw a young guy driving a car with disabled vet tags, but Grandma was in the back with all the proof that the car was hers. But we all knew he was not doing 80.

US Highway 82 (E Omega St.)

Henrietta, TexasAug 31, 20090 Comments

Local deputy hides at the Dairy Queen. Speed limit goes from 70 mph to 35 mph within 3 blocks on eastern edge of city limits. If you are Not driving 35 mph within the posted 45 mph, deputy will pull you over – keep you 25 minutes checking your license and insurance – then issue ticket for the alleged 10 mph over limit. Judge then works out a plea but the ticket still stands.

State Highway 82 near Sonic DriveIn

Henrietta, TexasAug 07, 20070 Comments

Speed limit drops from 70-30 within a few blocks of entering east city limits. Barney Fife local cop targets “out of towners”” by exaggerating “”radar gun speeds”” by 5-10 mph in order to ticket. (maybe gun needs calibrating?) Routinely keeps you waiting 25 minutes to check out your insurance/license-inconvenience harassment- especially late at night. “

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