Hondo, Texas Speed Traps
US Highway 90 near State Highway 173
Passed a trooper oncoming that was running Ka-band radar just east of Hondo on Hwy 90. Was stopped supposedly for no seatbelt, but was actually wearing one. He saw it on me when he arrived at my window. He insisted I just put it on, but I actually Really Was wearing it the whole trip. He asked for my license, glanced at it. Then, he warned–radar detectors (as he pointed to my dash) don’t work. If I can catch you or anyone going 1 mph over with a radar detector, you get a ticket. Take that how you want to. My detector was highly visible because of the dangling cord. As usual, Valentine picked him up far away. He was probably mad that I had one!
This is a true story. Do Not have a visible detector in Hondo, or you may wind up getting stopped or ticketed for something you didn’t even do! I was lucky, but you may not be! Also, there was another DPS only 100 feet ahead. Not running radar. Must have been doing the same thing.
Detectors aren’t illegal, but in Hondo–they sort of are!
Hwy 90E, at the Hwy 173 overpass, East of Hondo
DPS sits under upramp leading from Hwy 90 W to Hwy 173. Uses radar on traffic, both E and W on Hwy 90, especially during the AM and PM commute hours, to and from San Antonio.