Hurst, Texas Speed Traps
State Highway 183/121 near Brown Trail
Overhead walkway for pedestrians & Overhead bridge East of Ped bridge. Police use laser and you don’t know it because you can’t see them. Sometimes 7 or 8 Police cars/bikes wait in emergency lane to give out the tickets. This area is a Sunday morning bad trap. Hours are usually from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Interstate 820 near State Highway 10
North & South bound during daylight hours, every day, really heavy on Sat. & Sun. Always in median.
State Highway 183 WEST near Precinct line Road
There is usually a cop there on sundays standing there with his radar gun waiting for you from around 5:30am. He might drive around but he is always there. Always there. Got a ticket there. I go to work there and he is there every week.
Brown Trail Drive near State Highway 121
As one turns from the 121 access road North onto Brown Trail, there is an immediate school zone. There are no flashing lights. There is only a very small sign that is somewhat obscured. Brown Trail is fairly busy and in trying to negotiate traffic, the sign is very easy to miss. The police sit here all the time. Easy pickings.
Pipeline Road exit off of Northbound I-820
The speed limit on I-820 in this area is 60 MPH and just prior to exiting at the Pipeline Road exit you pass a speed limit sign on the freeway that says 60 MPH. As you start exiting at Pipeline Road (you are still essentially on the freeway) the exit ramp speed limit instantly changes to 35 MPH, it is posted with a sign but there is no warning prior to reaching the sign that changes the speed limit from 60 to 35 MPH. The police sit just down the exit ramp where it merges with the frontage road and clock motorists as they come off of the freeway. I asked why the speed limit was so drastic and low and the officer said there was a driving school facility in the area.