Ingram, Texas Speed Traps

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On 39 by the hdwr store just past the traffic light at 27

Ingram, TexasMay 20, 20100 Comments

Ingram is a total speed trap. They will write you a ticket for any amount over. Any. The speed limit drops from 55mph on 27 coming west out of Kerrville to 30 mph in the wink of an eye. Better drive 25 mph until you clear Ingram. This town relies 100% on traffic fines, so its just what they do, and why we never stop there for groceries, to eat, or for hardware. I’ve seen it for 30+ years….its a trap.

Hwy 39

Ingram, TexasApr 22, 20031 Comments

A real small town justice. The posted speed is 35. Better go 30. Officers have no training and therefore do not know how to use the equipment. The small piece of hwy is the total source of revenue. Just appeal and save yourself a lot of aggrivation
County court where appeal will be heard is very fair.

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