Jasper, Texas Speed Traps

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Pineland, Texas Hwy 96 approx 6 miles South of hwy103 inters

Jasper, TexasMar 19, 20100 Comments

City of Pineland has their sign just over the hill, and the speed change is on top of the hill and officers sit at the road side park waiting.

US Highway 190 near US Highway 96

Jasper, TexasJun 02, 20040 Comments

The officers sit in various locations and will stop you and write tickets for any offense they can. The town needs the money as one can see from all the closed businessess on the main thouroghfare.

All over Hwy 96 and 190

Jasper, TexasMay 19, 20020 Comments

Town is small dying joke. Officers are rude and smart mouth. If you get stopped for 5 over you just contributed to the hiefs coffer. Five lane road is 35mph.

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