Karnes City, Texas Speed Traps

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US Highway 181 near FM 99

Karnes City, TexasDec 26, 20060 Comments

In between the intersection of US181/FM99 and the State Highway Dept Yard, in both directions.

State Highway 123 near State Highway 80

Karnes City, TexasDec 26, 20060 Comments

1/4 mile south of the intersection of 123&80

US Highway 123 near State Highway 80

Karnes City, TexasNov 08, 20041 Comments

The trap is located approximatley 1/2 mile south of the intersection of the intersection of US123 and SH80, over the rise of the hill. The unit will set up in front of the Dentist office.

US Highway 181

Karnes City, TexasNov 08, 20040 Comments

On US 181, between FM1351 and FM 99, they sit in a low spot, behind some brush, and are not visible until you are almost on top of the unit.

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