Kaufman, Texas Speed Traps
US Highway 175 near Fair Road
Kaufman PD will sit on the West Bound turn lane at night with the patrol car light off shooting the East Bound traffic.
US Highway 175 on top of the Kings Creek Bridge near HWY 243
Kaufman PD hides on top of the bridge behind the signs, shooting radar at the East bound traffic during the evening commute.
Interstate 20 near kaufman and dallas county line
trooper sits hid at county line behind group of small trees facing dallas county shooting radar. Cannot see troopers car until right upon him.
US Highway 175 near State Highway 243
Worked by Kaufman PD, Kaufman SO and State Troopers. West bound US175 around Kings Creek bridge. Mostly early mornings.
US Highway 175 near State Highway 34
Kaufman City Police/DPS/Kaufman Sheriff routinely patrol this area. KPD has two unmarked cars…one black with heavy tinted windows and one white (Ford Crown Vic or Mecury Marquis).