Kemah, Texas Speed Traps

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In the shopping mall on 2094 (Not a speed trap)

Kemah, TexasMay 13, 20103 Comments

Kemah and Clear Lake Shores policemen patrol the shopping center where Home Depot and Target are located. They are looking for expired inspection stickers, expired motor vehicle registrations, presumed, but, they drive very slowly and watch for headlights functioning properly, license plate light, and any other infraction.. Been stopped twice in two years for a malfunctioning headlight. One time it was really burned out. Next time, I couldn’t find one thing wrong with it and never noticed it malfunctioning. Very pleasant, didn’t get out of car, just talked window to window, and no ticket, but be aware….They eat at a restaurant in the shopping center lot, right on 2094, so their presence is always noticeable.

State Highway 146 near FM 518 & 2094

Kemah, TexasDec 05, 20063 Comments

Kemah is a very small city. The officer to resident ratio is known to be excessively small (don’t recall exact numbers). You go right through Kemah en route to Galveston Beach. There is a high bridge over the Galveston Bay that separates Seabrook (on your list)and Kemah. Officers will sit just over crescent of the bridge and nab drivers nearly before the cars have crossed into Kemah. Late at night, i.e. 11:00 p.m. and after, with very little traffic, officers will follow close behind drivers until reaching their destiny or crossing city limits-considered to be intimidation factor, which they are known for. I live approx 2 miles from Kemah in League City. At any given time on a Friday or Saturday night, you will see at least 1 set of blue lights on Hwy 146, and often 2 or 3, within less than a mile of each other. I would very much be interested to see the % of revenues from traffic violations.

State Highway 146 near US Highway 96

Kemah, TexasJul 11, 20060 Comments

and even worse late night.

Lawrence Road near State Route 96

Kemah, TexasJul 30, 20040 Comments

The squad car sits about 1/2 mile north of Highway 96 on Lawrence Road with the lights off at night. There are only two or three homes on this end of Lawrence and just about everyone drives at least 40. The speed limit is 30 and 40 will cost you about 170.00.

FM 146 near At Kemah/Seabrook bridge

Kemah, TexasApr 14, 20041 Comments

Along FM-146 from Bacliff TX (FM 646) to Kemah/Seabrook Bridge. Trap is run late at night. Daytime trap has been reduced because high tourism provides much income for Kemah during daytime hours 7 days a week. Number of patrol cars far exceed normal need for a town of this small size.

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