Killeen, Texas Speed Traps
Southbound on N. 38 Street, Killeen, TX
Normally I wouldn”t have any sympathy for a speeder thru a school zone BUT what makes this a trap for some is… it is possible to enter 38th street heading south and never see the sign showing that it is still a school zone. The Sign is North of Atkinson. So if you enter east bound from Atkinson turn South onto 38th and dont know what the buildings are around you blocked yb trees and foliage you will think you have left a school zone behind you and expecially for someone who is not familar with the area. If I had come in that way I might have known but I was transiting thru. The only sign between me and the overpass just south of the zone is a 40mph sign. The officer was on the other side of the over pass just up the hill far enough the over pass hid him until the windsheld view is below the overpass. 38th street is graded so it dips under. so not only might you not know it is a school zone if you travel that route and unfamiliar you will be heading down hill to go under the pass thinking the speed limit is 40. My ticket is for 38 and claims it is in a posted 25. Nowhere in my route was it posted that the speed limit is 25. I missed it by entering 38 street south of the sign. Had I driven passed the sign I would have no argument and I have no sympathy for anyone that is from the area either or who drove passed the flashing sign north of Atkinson. I have pictures to prove it. I also reported the safety hazard to teh police department and will go in to file formally. If they think it important enough to have an officer there then they should think it important enough to post a sign so you can’t slip thru without knowing so it would prevent the faster speed during the certain times of day. Now is it really a "trap" maybe a stretch but I know he picked the spot because of the downhill grade will make it easy to catch people coasting at too high a sped. "zzero tolerance" the cop said. Again if I had any one single sign posted on my route after turning onto 38th street to show what the rule was I wouldn’t call it a trap. Google Earth the route you will see and look at it as though unfamiliar you will think you left one zone and not see the next.
W.S Young exit ramp off Hwy 190
You come off Hwy 190 at 60 mph off ramp. 45 mph sign has been placed right as you exit. Police are off to right with radar gun. You need to be doing 45 mph or else its a ticket. Do not attempt to merge into the next lane until you clear the solid white line either. Traffic was heavy and folks will not let you over. Do not speed up to get back on hwy until you are on the ramp. There is no warning either. You will be ticketed.
W. S. young exit West bound 190
When going west bound in the morning watch when you take the W.S. young exit. The businesses there don’t open until later in the morning so they don’t have to worry about much traffic except people on their way to work. They set up predatory traps that are designed to trap anyone who takes their little driving test. They will stop at nothing to set drivers up so it is better to avoid this exit between the hours of 0700-1000 am.
Veteran’s Memorial Blvd (Business 190)
Going west on Business 190 The speed suddenly drops from 45 to 30 and the cop sits just beyond the 30 MPH sign ready to laser tag you. By the time you slow down it’s too late and there’s no "decreased speed ahead" sign to warn you.
190 W exit for Sleuter.
190 speed is 60. Exit at Sleuter access road speed drops to 45. City cop sits in parking lot near the exit ramp. I was "coasting" to allow speed to drop after exiting 190. Got me doing 56 in 45 zone. No excuse accepted. $215 fine for state fees, city and clerk fees etc , but allowed to take driver safety training for "ticket dismissal".
I have seen numerous vehicles (especially those with Ft. Hood stickers) stopped. I just wasn’t looking for him that day and he got me. Make sure you get on brakes immediately upon exit from 190.