Kountze, Texas Speed Traps
State Highway 69 near Within 5 Miles of City Limits
Nine different speed changes within about a 3 mile stretch. When traveling south bound you will see a Large 35 MPH sign in front of and within 20 feet of a smaller school zone sign, which when flashing reduces the speed by 15 mph. There is NO Tolerance here. 2 MPH over the limit will get you stopped and you will get a ticket when stopped. This post is written by a former Trooper who knows a speed trap when he sees one. Slow down in Koontz!
US Highway 69 near State Highway 327
Well designed devided highway north and south of this small Texas county seat. Speed limit is 65 MPH then suddenly to 55 MPH then to 45 MPH. Design (feel of safety and logic)of highway seems to encourage rapid acceleration out of town. Texas Highway Patrol and city police use it for easy pickings.
Hwy 69 north
Inbetween Beaumont and Woodville on hwy 69 there is KOUNTZE! They love to see people going a tad over the speed limit. From the City limit sign to leaving the city limits they are always there. When it states what the speed limit is I highly suggest going the speed limit. The locals (or anyone who frequenty goes thru this town) know you always go the speed limit! They have just repaved thru town and the cops love it because it gave them more hiding spots!