Krum, Texas Speed Traps

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Primarily on FM1173

Krum, TexasJan 10, 20140 Comments

The police in this town- particularly in the early morning- have little to do other than sit and wait for victims. The speed limits on 1173 have been dropped about fifteen miles an hour in the last month and they are making the most of. I had one cop tail me from the four way stop to the gas station. He pulled into the school parking lot across the way while I fueled the car and then followed me all the way to I-35.

FM 156 near FM 2450

Krum, TexasFeb 18, 20040 Comments

Enforcement is constant at these speed limit changes.
Exploitive for a town this size.

FM 1173 near Sonic through the 4-way stop until you get to the west of city limit

Krum, TexasFeb 18, 20040 Comments

Enforcement is constant and unusual for a town of our size.

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