Kyle, Texas Speed Traps

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IH-35 between markers 210 and 217 both directions

Kyle, TexasDec 21, 20130 Comments

Kyle police constantly run radar through this area usually using a black motorcycle that parks in the shadows of an underpass or a tree. They also will park a patrol car with flashing lights behind another vehicle on the side of IH-35. The black motorcycle will get on the extreme far side of the shoulder about a 100 yards past where the car with the flashing lights is. The motorcycle will clock you with radar when you pass the patrol car and if you do not slow down or change lanes you will get a ticket.

Kohlers Crossing (CR 171) between FM 2770 & FM 1626

Kyle, TexasJan 04, 20111 Comments

There is a Kyle City PD SUV set up on the South side of Kohlers Crossing about midway – where there is a break in the divide for easy pursuit in either direction – between FM 2770 & FM 1626. The trap is maintained more typically after dark. The City of Kyle set the speed limit on this brand new four-lane, 2.3 mile, thoroughfare (with a median and turn lanes) at 40mph. Driving 40mph on this practically deserted pristine expanse feels like driving 50mph on the Interstate. Had the city set the speed at 45mph, 50mph would likely not generate a ticket. 50mph still feels slow but is reasonable speed limit for this roadway IMO. Somebody has to pay for the expensive face-lift Kyle undertook – inclusive brand new state of the art courthouse and shiny new Police SUV’s – before the economy tanked. Welcome to creative wealth distribution, Kyle City style.

I 35 Southbound Frontage Road after exit 217

Kyle, TexasMay 03, 20101 Comments

Upon exiting I 35 at Exit 217, the speed limit on the frontage road is 50mph and then changes to 40mph. The Kyle PD sits in an abandoned gas station with radar right when the speed limit changes.

Interstate 35 near Exit Number Kyle

Kyle, TexasDec 24, 20070 Comments

Southbound on 35- After Kyle Parkway exit, there’s the 2nd Kyle exit sign- a 1/4 mile after that there’s a slight bend in the road and a big tree.. A trooper and ALWAYS a STATE trooper is parked under the tree waitin for speeders, and it’s usually when its dark. You can get by with 75 but he’s going for the big kahunas going 80+ in a rush to get home.

County Road 122/127

Kyle, TexasOct 01, 20000 Comments

Hay’s County Sheriff, and DPS patrol this area. DPS sets up a trap at Co. Rd 122 where it turns into Co. Rd 127. Sheriff patrols this road with radar on. I have been pulled over twice, both times I recieved a warning (Because I am new to area.)

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