Lake Jackson, Texas Speed Traps

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FM 2004 near Jones Creek Bridge Crossing

Lake Jackson, TexasApr 04, 20080 Comments

LJPD frequents 2004 from This Way out to the Jones Creek bridge miles away from civilization. There’s no greeting sign entering town from that way, just a 55mph sign and a friendly Dodge Charger waiting for speeders.

Old Angleton Road near Sugg’s Field

Lake Jackson, TexasMar 25, 20082 Comments

Motorcycle cop hides behind a tree at the baseball field and shoots people traveling north on Old Angleton Road from Oyster Creek Drive.

Oyster Creek Drive near Sandalwood Drive

Lake Jackson, TexasNov 15, 20071 Comments

Motorcycle cops love the stretch of Oyster Creek Drive between Old Angleton and Dixie Drive. Favorite spots are private driveway with sign above reading “Lake Bend”” and by the Fire Department.”

Plantation Drive near Dixie

Lake Jackson, TexasNov 15, 20072 Comments

Cops love this intersection because it is the line between the cities of Clute and Lake Jackson. It’s their last chance to pluck people before they enter into the next city. The game is get up behind someone while the light is red and as they cross the intersection, they cut the lights on.

State Highway 288 near Oyster Creek Street

Lake Jackson, TexasDec 14, 20051 Comments

A 50 MPH Zone between Oyster Creek Rd on the South to a point approx 1000 feet north of FM 2004. This stretch is interstate quality highway through a wooded area, well past the last light, (traveling north) at ‘This Way’ street and is just before the 65 mph speed limit begins. There are no cross streets or driveways. The posted speed limit is 50 mph even though Lake Jackson city ordinance, (in compliance with state law) set the speed limit there as 55 mph. (Chap 98, 86.1 (4)) The local police and the municipal court there illegally enforce the 50 mph sign. There is no reason for the reduced speed except to trap more motorists and to enhance the amount of the ticket fines.

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