Lampasas, Texas Speed Traps

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Key Ave also the main hwy thru Lampasas hwy 183

Lampasas, TexasApr 24, 20100 Comments

These cops have all the latest technology (thanks to the taxpayers of Lampasas) although they really don’t even know how to use them. They will write a ticket on Key Ave. for doing 34 in a 30. They run everyones license plate to check for insurance..also have trick red lights that flip from green to red in a split second…be very careful in this little town, the cops think they are in LA.

All highways

Lampasas, TexasApr 04, 20100 Comments

There is a motiorcycle cop who lurks in parking lots and under trees. He is a well known local policeman who seems to delight in stopping everyone who is even slightly speeding and other minor infractions of the "rules" Almost all of the speed limit changes are hard to see until you are right on them.

Highway 190 near Highway 183

Lampasas, TexasDec 29, 20090 Comments

This 4 lane highway goes from 70 to 45 then to 35 in about 1,000 feet, and is a major speed trap and revenue source. We were going to hold a family reunion which brings out about 300 families, in Lampasas, and typically drops about a quarter of a million dollars into the local economy, but we moved it to another city. Tough luck Lampasas, your ticket revenue cost you about $250,000 in lost business to the local economy.

Highway 183

Lampasas, TexasSep 09, 20090 Comments

Throughout this town on this stretch of highway the speed limits vary from 40-30 with signs that are sometimes hard to notice. Have been hit with K band of radar quite often.

Highway 190

Lampasas, TexasSep 09, 20090 Comments

Lampasas county sits in a restaurant parking lot and can radar from either direction. About 3-5 miles east of Lampasas. Be careful.

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