Longview, Texas Speed Traps
Quail & FM 726 S
This is a town of less than 600 people. The East Mountain police officer uses ticket revenue to fund his position with the town. The officer likes to hide beside the town’s water tank. You will be pulled over for driving through this town and you will get a ticket. There is no use arguing your case before a judge because the judge has ruled in favor of the officer in every single case that has been brought before him. The officer will usually accuse the driver of going at least 14 miles over the 55 limit so that the fine is larger. The officer will refuse to allow the accused driver to see the reading on his radar. A speed trap to the purest of the definition. Avoid this little town at all cost!
Speed limit on FM-1845 is 55 MPH until you make a slight turn to the right and begin to cross under rail road tracks approaching HWY 80 in Greggton. When your front bumper crosses under the rail road the speed goes to 35 MPH even before the speed limit sign.
281 East Loop
East Loop 281 (between I-20 and US-80) in Longview has the ridiculously low speed limit of 60 MPH. This section of the city of Longview is just barely in Harrison County. Harrison County deputies just love to patrol this section of the Loop and hand out the tickets.
Highway 259
Driving north on HWY 259 from I-20. Just before Hwy 80 there is a set or railroad track you will pass under. In that area the speed goes from 55 to 35. Most people are going 55 and are not aware of the change.
US Highway 259 near Hawkins Parkway
Hwy 259 coming South into longview has alot of state police. The speed limit drops from 65mph to 55mph. Anything will get you pulled over