Longview, Texas Speed Traps
FM 1845 near US Highway 80
Speedlimit on FM1845 is 55 MPH until you make a slight turn to the right and begin to cross under rail road tracks approaching HWY 80 in Greggton. When your front bumper croses under the rail raod the speed goes to 35 MPH even before the speedlimit sign can be seen on your right. Law enforcement is hiding on the other side of rail road completely out of sight.
State Highway 259 n near bar k to loop 259
6 lane hiway goes from 70 to 55 at a slight turn in the road. hiway is infested with state troopers. also, there are daily d.o.t. checks up and down this stretch.
Interstate 20 near Sabine River
Location is west of the city limits just approaching the Sabine River. Officers always locate on the left side of the highway because a slight curve hides them from view. It’s ideal for them because motorists are coming down a steep incline approaching the slight curve and they can’t be seen.
Bill Owens Parkway near Hawkins Parkway
The particular area is on Bill Owens Parkway between Hawkins Parkway and Spring Hill Road. A Longview Police Patrol will usually hide on Irene Street. Bill Owens has a low speed limit even though it is a 4 lane parkway.