Lubbock, Texas Speed Traps
Avenue A near 26th St
Officers sit on 26th St and clock people on Ave A. 5 lane road with little traffic but a slow speed limit of 40. Looks like a younger officer has been sitting there almost morning.
84th Street & Indiana Avenue
Lookout motorist, motorcycle cops set up to catch speeders coming from 98th street & Indiana, going north towards 82nd street & Indiana. Best defense is to download the app waze.
40th and Elgin
School zone. 20 vs. 30 mph. Cop states they’ve had speed complaints.
Marsha Sharp Freeway westbound exit ramp at Slide Road
City of Lubbock cops (usually their Tahoe units) sit hidden from view at 29th Drive or the City Water Treatment Plant, right at the Slide Road / 34th Street exit ramp from Marsha Sharp Freeway, usually during morning traffic. They use handheld radar and large units on rooftops of vehicles. As you exit off Marsha Sharp Freeway there is a 65mph speed limit sign on your left in the median after the Exit sign. However, about 600 feet after the exit merges onto the frontage road, there are 45mph signs right east of the 29th Drive corner. Again, there is NO speed limit sign at the exit or along Marsha Sharp, indicating a drop to 45mph sign, Reduce Speed warning, or anything of the sort prior to 29th Drive itself. You would have to slam on the brakes on the exit ramp, or slow way down on Marsha Sharp before taking the exit to reduce to 45mph in the distance allotted. It does not matter if you are decelerating on the exit ramp, cops just say that the exit ramp is part of the frontage road, and that the speed limit is 45mph on the frontage road. No leeway, they just eagerly hand out tickets left and right at this location. Definitely a moneymaking speed trap by the City of Lubbock Police Department. I take this exit every evening after work and have never seen a cop there after work, probably because of the heavy traffic at that time, but BEWARE taking this exit between 8am-5pm for sure when traffic is lighter. There is no doubt that this is a complete and total speed trap, purely for the purpose of generating revenue by the LPD.
Marsha Sharp Freeway coming in from Wolforth
The cops sit in wait in the shopping center to your right hidden within the trees. Coming off the Loop the speed drops dramatically and by the time you can drop your speed, they’ve got you. Most of them are M/C cops but I have seen several vehicles. They give you no chance to get out of it.