Malakoff, Texas Speed Traps
FM-3054 (Near Log Cabin)
On FM 3054 in Log Cabin as soon as you hit the city limits sign it goes from 70 to 55. They have this officer there and if you’re doing 60 he’s gonna write ya. This guys ruthless! I hear he averages 25 tickets a a day.
State Highway 31 near Private driveway
The policeman parks in a private drive on eastbound Hwy. 31 just outside of town. This driveway is right at the 55 MPH sign. The speed limit before the sign is 45 mpr so he clocks you just as get to this sign. The fines are outragious and they encourage you to plead out instead of going to court. However, the presecuting attorney is extremely nice and will work with you the best he can.
State Highway 31 near Cedar Street
Speed limit drops to 45 mph quickly as you enter town near the school (coming from the east). Enforcement takes radar readings from moving vehicle approaching you. City court has very high fines. People are encouraged to plead guilty so they don’t have to come back on a Thursday night for court. No warnings.
Highway 31 west of town @ roadside park
Traveling eastbound on highway 31, local police are sitting on the hill, hidden by trees waitin on motorists just entering town. This agency only has one officer working at any given time, and they choose to sit on the outer most limits of thier city to catch speeders on the open highway, instead of working traffic in populated areas of the city.