Maypearl, Texas Speed Traps

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FM 66 near FM 157

Maypearl, TexasSep 01, 20070 Comments

Off the road well obscured by a row of trees and bushes. The road has hill in both directions. The trap sits at the bottom. The radar catches you as you crest each hill going in either direction. Small farm town; 1 chief, 1 part timer. Beware of agressive enforcement. Unpredictable.

FM 66 near FM 157

Maypearl, TexasAug 23, 20070 Comments

By admission of local officer, the city needs new police cruisers and equipment. Radar traps are set about 50 yds before a 45 MPH speed limit sign, at the bottom of a small hill, at a point where drivers see the 45 mph sign and begin to accelerate. Local officers are taking a very rigid stance that the 45mph zone begins AT the sign, nowhere before it. Fines are averaging $225-250 per citation.

FM 157 near Cemetary

Maypearl, TexasJun 07, 20050 Comments

As you come into Maypearl on 157, you crest a hill at the cemetary where the speed limit has been reduced to 45. Maypearl’s finest sit in the cemetary driveway, unseen until you top the hill (at which time it is to late). The fine is steep (it cost my wife $230). The sgt. that issued the ticket didn’t want to hear any explanations as to why the speeding occured. I think a warning would have been warrented in this case.

State Highway 66 near FM 66

Maypearl, TexasFeb 29, 20040 Comments

No city limit signs, the nonexistant city limit sign east of Maypearl extends to the city limit sign for Waxahachie, 11 miles away. $110.00 for starters on speeding ticket+ $3.00 for every mile over.

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