Medina, Texas Speed Traps

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State Highway 211 near FM 471

Medina, TexasAug 16, 20070 Comments

SH 211 at FM 471 (65MPH) near the MG quary around the bend inside Medina Bexar county line has DPS parked in plain sight on either side of the road. He keeps his radar OFF until you make the bend in the road and he flips on the radar and nails you. I run with an Escort X50 and I’ve been popped twice by the same trooper (96 and 78). LOL You’d think I’d learn. The Medina county precinct Judge is very cool and will let you do the defensive driving or probation… for a price.

Hwy 16 (through town)

Medina, TexasApr 17, 20020 Comments

Be careful as the speed limit through Medina, TX is 35 mph. The troopers and Sheriffs love to pull over speeders who zip through at about 50-55 mph, especially if they’re on the way to Kerrville–the speed limit stays 35 for a good while. Mostly radar enforcement

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