Moody, Texas Speed Traps
Moody, Texas
Four different reducing speed limits going into town from the north, five different reducing speed limits from the south, with a cop usually parked somewhere along Highway 317 to get you. Sometimes the speed limit changes are so close together, you barely have time to reduce your speed. Best to just drop to 30mph at the first speed limit and stay there, creeping for the 3-5 miles through the area. It backs up cars and causes a parade behind you, but it is the safest way to get through Moody without a ticket.
Hwy 317 running through center of town
Moody has increased their speed trap on 317 that runs through town. There are 3 mph changes from 30 to 45 and then 70. They have been at the Citgo where the speed changes to 30. They have been notorious in the past for their speedtrap and seem to be back at it. If pulled over they will tell you what your speed was and ask for license and reg and then for you to wait. They dont ask for reason or explanation and return with your ticket to sign. Similar story with others getting tickets here. Classic speedtrap and revenue making operation.
State Route 317 near State Route 107
Depending on the need for revenue, they have issued tickets for speeds as absurd as 2 mph over the posted limit.
US Highway 317 near school
Police car is in elementary school parking lot after hours and on weekends when there is no school activity. It’s a 40 MPH zone, and this enables them to charge an extra $25 for a school zone.
Highway 317 and Highway 107
The speed limits drop gradually coming into town, but once in town it drops 15 miles per hour in the distance of one block. The cops like to hide at the elemtery school on the north side of town immediatly after the speed limit drops and on the south side of town in a church parking lot. They also hide in the middle of town beside the Conoco gas station sitting in the car wash. They catch alot of people from this position. Coming in from the east side of town they park in the nursing home lot or under the water tower across the street. The Moody police are quite active during the daytime hours so watch for them in these areas, but be extra carful at night, because they hide in the same general areas, but in the shadows and behind bushes. These guys don’t just like to write speeding tickets, they look for trivial things to write you up on and will even stop you doing the speed limit just to see who you are and what they can get you on.