Murphy, Texas Speed Traps
From RaceTrack to Lowes, headed east or west
The speed drops from 45 to 40 shortly before Lowes if headed west, and this stretch is heavily patroled eastbound and wesbound. I haven’t been nailed (yet) but nearly every time I come through there, somebody has been.
McCreary Road just north of FM 544
Cops sit in the left turn cuts just north of the 7-11 parking lot. It’s a 4 lane divided roadway with a 35 MPH limit (similar roads in the neighboring suburbs have 40 or 45 MPH limits) and they’ll pull you over if you do 40 on that road.
Northbound Murphy Rd. (across from Coventry Drive)
Murphy cops are continuing in their efforts to pay off that lawsuit, created several years ago by NBC’s "To Catch A Predator". There’s a new place for these cops to hide and it’s northbound Murphy Road, where they back into an unpaved alley. It’s approximately one quarter mile south of Renner Road, across from Coventry Drive (in neighboring Richardson). There, they wait and watch for people doing any amount of mileage over the speed limit. Rather than patrolling the streets, in search of burglars breaking into homes, they’re "padding the city coffers", pulling over anybody who happens to be doing one mile over the speed limit!! Keep your speed down in this trap of a city!!!
West bound FM 544 in front of Walmart
This isn’t a speed trap; however, it’s another way for this “cash strapped city” to make some additional funds. The location is westbound FM 544, in front of the Wal Mart grocery store. Eastbound traffic on 544 is heavy during the evening hours, thus they have a sign (approximately 150 yds. to the west of Murphy Rd and 544) that says “No left turn from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. In essence, all cops in this town apparently figure that all motorists should be aware of the time! I’m retired and don’t have to be any particular place at any given time, thus I don’t pay any attention to that sort of thing. Rather than having a “blinking light” at this location, they figure that all motorists should know the exact time. School zones have flashing lights, thus this location should be equipped with the same exact technology!! It’s another way for this small municipality to make money.
FM 544
Street runs E/W and the cops will hide behind the Blockbuster (going E bound). If you are heading West they usually hide at the Panda Express or Quick Lube. Either way, the speed drops 10mph from 45mph for about 900Fort Starting roughly, 150-200ft prior to the intersection of FM 544 & Murphy Rd. Then increasing about 300ft after the intersection if you are heading East on FM 544.