Nederland, Texas Speed Traps
Hwy 347 and Hwy 366
The speed limit is 50 on this highway and is heavily patrolled by the DPS and sheriff. I have tried to get TXDOT to increase the speed limit to no avail. Maybe if enough people would contact TXDOT we could get some results.
Spurlock Road
police usually cruise between us69 and sh347 looking for speeders and dui’s
Beauxart Garden Road
Near US 69 looking for speeders coming down Beauxart Garden Road.
Central Blvd in Central Gardens
Jefferson County Sherriff Deputies like to sit in front or between the Water Company and Fire Station. They can radar you 5 blocks away and lock in on you.
Spurlock Road near State Highway 365
Coming up Spurlock to Hwy 365 from the highschool there is almost always a car from the Sherrifs department sitting at the apartments behind the Valero gas station at the light. The speed limit has changed from 20 (school zone) to 30 (the unrealistically slow speed for this road) The problem is that they clock you in the school zone. Be Careful!