New Caney, Texas Speed Traps

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59N and South under 242 overpass

New Caney, TexasOct 08, 20140 Comments

Woodbranch and Patton Village are always out!!! Northbound they like to sit off on the shoulder or right on the other side of the bridge…Southbound they like to sit off on the feeder road and park in between cars that are for sell…5-6 MPH is pushing it..They will also sit on the 242 overpass clock you then run you down…They use Laser most of the time and clock you at the last second…

Intersection of hwy 59 and Community Road

New Caney, TexasMay 26, 20110 Comments

This is a t-intersection. Off to the right in the trees, a deputy of either the Constable’s office or the Sheriff’s office will sit and spring out if either going a little fast or not stopping long enough.

McCleskey Road

New Caney, TexasOct 02, 20100 Comments

From the dead end “Bull” Salis Montgomery County Park east to Highway US 59 various police agencies set up behind trees and bushes; Texas State Police, but mostly the County Constable and the County Sheriff. the speed limit is a ridiculous 30 MPH and you will be nabbed if you are over that.

Roman Forest Boulevard near US Highway 59

New Caney, TexasOct 25, 20070 Comments

Roman Forest and Woodbranch Village police officers patrol their own small neighborhoods so they have to make money from speeders. Driving down Roman Forest Blvd. make sure and stay under the 40 mph. speed limit or they’ll GETCHA!

US Highway 59 near FM 242

New Caney, TexasAug 28, 20071 Comments

Patton Village police set up monitoring on US 59 and Texas FM 242, to include stop sign moving violations at the intersection fo FM 242 and the US 59 access road.

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