New Summerfield, Texas Speed Traps
U.S. 79 at Tx Hwy 110
New Summerfield is a city in Cherokee County, Tx, population of 998. Only has 2 businesses that travelers would visit: 1 Family Dollar Store & 1 Gas Station so the only city revenue is ticketing travelers.
The Speed Limit drops from 70 to 55 to 50 to 45 with maybe 50 yds between speed signs, they are workin’ the radar all the time. And being hundreds of miles from nowhere, they know you won’t come back to contest the ticket.
I’m taking another route and not leaving any of my gas or restaurant or motel money along US 79 from now on …
Intersection of State Highway 110 and U. S. Highhway 79
Small burb that has two officers / vehicles. Mostly patrol U. S. 79 but also highway 110.
The speed on Hwy 79 rapidly reduces from 70 mph to 45 mph. The officers also stop trailers going to and from RV parks in Jacksonville, TX. They not only stop for speeding, but also weigh and measure for oversize and overweight. Pure public harrassment.
US Highway US-79 near State Route 110
Typical small town (population 998) revenue generating trap. Usually taking advantage of people passing thru visiting the nearby ATV park to the west of town. Rural town, mostly ranches with houses well off the highway.
State Highway Hwy 79 near intersection hwy 110 Crossing
New Summerfield has 2 police cars that patrol both sides of the town on state highway 79. They are on patrol most hours of the day, stopping semi’s and anyone who breaks speed limit, which reduces rapidy from 70 mph to 45 mph.