Palmer, Texas Speed Traps

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I45 NB and SB MM 256

Palmer, TexasMay 03, 20180 Comments

Palmer deploys 2 or 3 squad cars on I45 at the same time north bound and south bound, using lazers — and mirrors..they do not directly shoot your car with the lazer. They reflect the shot through the side rear view mirror. And even when they don’t get a positive reading from the lazer, they still pull you over and try to get you to admit to speeding so they can write a citation. Very unethical. This is clearly an attempt by the city to generate revenue. It is a very small town, and they put most of their law enforcement resources out on the interstate to make money for the city. Very expensive squad cars with dark tinted windows which are most likely in violation of Texas law for glass visibility .

I-45 N Past MM260 Under Overpass

Palmer, TexasApr 25, 20152 Comments

Palmer PD will hide a lot now under the bridge just past MM 260 northbound. As the road curves slightly to the right and downward, they’ll be on the right side just under the bridge. Beware as there are a lot of complaints about this department. Also, the speed limit has been raised to 70 mph through Ennis, Palmer, Ferris and Wilmer.

I-45 N Another at MM 260

Palmer, TexasSep 27, 20140 Comments

Palmer has a new one where the car sits almost right at MM 260 northbound in a business; if you see the Palmer water tower on the right, the car will be just before it by or in the business entrance. They’re also now hiding under the overpass just past MM 260. Sometimes they work tandem; the one car at MM 260 hooks you and the other one under the bridge pulls you in the boat. Be very aware now that Palmer is using at least one black, barely marked SUV. The only dead giveaway are the UFO lights which hopefully you won’t see. Your speeding tickets are paying off nicely for Palmer which is their primary source of revenue; slow down and it’ll dry up. The speed limit through Palmer is 65 mph.

I-45 South MM 260/259 "Assembly of God" Church

Palmer, TexasSep 06, 20140 Comments

The Palmer PD often waits in the “Assembly of God” church parking lot which has easy access to the entrance ramp. Prior to this area, there is a gentle upward slope cresting by the Shell/Sonic rest stop. Watch your uphill speed because the Palmer PD bank on that you’ll keep your foot to the floor. There is a “Good Year” dealer on the right, if you see that, slow down because chances are the Palmer PD is right there in the church parking lot next door. If they’re not there, there’s an overpass just after the church with an entrance ramp; they’re waiting there also and sometimes on the grass hiding behind the overpass or on the entrance ramp itself.

I-45 North MM 258

Palmer, TexasSep 06, 20140 Comments

The Palmer PD often waits right at the entrance to this exit ramp for Exit 258 “Parker Hill Road” and Palmer. The officer has a long shot/view of oncoming traffic coming down a gentle slope. This one doesn’t hide behind anything; they’re right at the exit ramp to get you either coming or going.

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