Palmer, Texas Speed Traps
I-45 North MM 260
Northbound at MM 260, the highway veers slightly right and down a slope underneath an overpass (the Palmer water tower will be to the right). Just past the overpass, the Palmer PD hides in the blind spot which you will not see until you’re there. By then, you’ve been tagged. The Palmer PD also periodically works from the top of that overpass and takes the exit ramp down.
I-45, Mile Markers 261 thru 253
The entire town of Palmer is a speed trap. Their sole source of revenue is I-45. Traps include I-45 SB at MM 260 where they sit in a church parking lot or just past the overpass. Likewise, I-45 NB at MM 260 they sit either on the entrance ramp or just past the overpass around the curve on the downward slope. Again, this entire town is a speed trap. Set your cruise and do not speed at all through the following cities south of Dallas; Hutchins, Wilmer, Ferris, Palmer. Palmer is notoriously aggressive. I drive that corridor regularly and it is not unlikely for Palmer to have 3 cars on that 12 mile stretch. Shut Palmer down. Don’t speed; the limit in Palmer is 65 mph and 60 mph in Dallas county, just north of Ferris. You will get caught.
I45 south of Dallas and north of Corsicana Texas
This has to be the longest speed trap in Texas. I have never been stopped here but I have never traveled without seeing someone pulled over. This is a stretch of interstate with only a couple on/off ramps, very few if any business’ or housing areas. Cannot believe they get a way with a bogus speed limit of 60 mph. In fact the slower speed causes traffic to back up and creates a dangerous driving hazard. BEWARE!
I-45 northbound, mile marker 261
They caught me speeding by radar. What bothers me most is they claim that I “stopped in a prohited area.” I was fully on the shoulder of the road between the white line and the gravel. The cop wouldn’t explain why it was a prohibited area. It added another $100 to my ticket. A full blown scam.
Mile Marker 260 on I-45
In Dec 2012 the Palmer PD got new patrol cars. These are white SUV’s with a LOT of lights on them. They like to sit at on the overpass at exit 260 (both North and South bound, but mostly North bound from that exit). The road makes a turn to the right and drops in elevation, so it’s almost impossible for you to see them or pick them up on any sort of detectors. They’ll come down the on ramp from the top of the hill and catch you. I drive through here twice a week and ALWAYS see them out.