Plano, Texas Speed Traps

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US-75 SB Frontage Rd between Chase Oaks Blvd and Legacy Dr

Plano, TexasOct 14, 20240 Comments

Police car (sometimes unmarked) is often seen parked in front of Zilli Furniture and running LiDAR on vehicles traveling southbound down the Frontage Rd between Chase Oaks Blvd and Legacy Dr.

Spring Creek Parkway between Parker Road and Jupiter Road

Plano, TexasNov 10, 20210 Comments

Every time I use this stretch of Spring Creek, I always see a motorcycle cop sitting at the entrance of a neighborhood pulling over anyone going over 40.

Southbound Ohio between Tennyson and Spring Creek

Plano, TexasJun 05, 20180 Comments

Cops are usually sitting in the driveway/entrance The Conservatory at Plano Senior Living, right where the flag poles are. Drivers heading southbound from the 4-way stop at Tennyson and Ohio tend to go 40-45mph and the speed limit is 35mph. There is a slight left bend in the road as well as a down hill slope towards Spring Creek!!!

On Tennyson Pkwy. Between Preston Rd. and Parkwood Blvd.

Plano, TexasMar 13, 20180 Comments

On Tennyson Pkwy. Between Preston Rd. and Parkwood . There is always the same cop hiding in various office entrances till you reach the HP Corporate Headquarters. When you see him it is too late. I travel that road twice a day. There is always someone pulled over. He is there from about 1:00 pm till about 4:00 pm. every day.

Independence Road near Russell Creek Road Plano, Texas

Plano, TexasDec 18, 20150 Comments

This is an additional comment on a previously submitted location.
Going north on Independence from Hedgecoxe Road and at the intersection of Russell Creek Parkway. There is a school zone, of .10 – .15 miles in length split by the intersection at Russell Creek. There is 1 blinking light and signage, but once you go thru the intersection which has no school near it, and no crossing guards, it is easy to forget & see that you are still in a school zone for .10 mile. I agree that children must be kept safe near schools but this intersection is not very close to the school and if it was a dangerous intersection the City should have crossing guards

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