Plano, Texas Speed Traps
Ohio Drive near South of Home Depot
Ohio is a divided road north of Hedgcoxe and very easy to go over posted speed of 30/35 as traffic is usually pretty light. The police usually hide behind a brick wall on the west side of the street at the entrance to an apartment complex and shoot both northa nd southbound traffic.
Interstate 75 near Spring Creek Parkway
South Bound Frontage road just north of Spring Creek you come off 75 doing 65 mph (posted limit) the exit is down hill then crests into another down hill that passed by the entrance to the Movie theaters. Well 10 feet past the sign that denotes the Plano city line the speed drops to 40 mph. Even if you are coasting you can’t scrub off speed going down the hill. Motorcycle with Radar in the driveway to Theater. Busted for doing 53 in the 40… No wiggle room, Went to court and the prosecutor tried to infer that I was speeding because I was driving an expensive car with a powerful engine… LOST….
Hedgecoxe Road
Hedgecoxe between Preston Meadow and Ohio. two or three cops on motor bikes. Scan you from a blind corner near the Childtime or some times on the divider. No easily visible. Just follow 40-45 mph is ok..Over 45 they get you. It’s expensive too starts at $175.00
Windhaven Street near Spring Creek Street
Windhaven 30mph traveling E & W between Tollway & Spring Creek. Traffic Cops on motorcycle hidden behind fences & scrubs on the southside or b&w auto hidden behind trees on the northside. Very, very heavily patroled at all times! The 19 traffic cops on the Plano Police Force do not issue warning tickets.
plano Parkway near shepton high school
2 cops in motorcycles hide behind some bushes wating to catch someone :bushes that are right infront of the high school. My detector saved me from a few close calls.