Plano, Texas Speed Traps
E. Parker Road between P Ave and N Ave
Speed limit changes quickly there. In fact, my ticket says posted speed limit says 30 MPH but I have seen the sign that states 35 MPH. Officer said I was 13 miles over the speed limit (going alleged speed of 48) but my ticket says 18 miles over. Anyway, while I was receiving my ticket (motorcycle cop) unmarked police car pulled someone over in the same spot. This was on 8/2/11. Good luck!!
Mapleshade Ln between Ohio and Coit
Police cruiser parked just out of sight over the ridge watching eastbound traffic. The road has the same speed limit as the surrounding area, but because you’re coming from a congested suburban zone to an area surrounded by empty fields, it’s easy to subconsciously speed up.
Los Rios Blvd Northbound from FM544
This downhill, winding stretch of road is 2 lanes each way with a landscaped divider. There is a golf course on the right and residential on the left, but no driveways enter Los Rios Blvd. The posted speed is 35 mph which is 12 mph under the traffic survey data which is supposed to be used as the speed limit. The cops sit at the bottom of the hill just past the golf course in the center median with their radar gun and waves you down as you approach him coming down the hill. The city of Plano knows this speed limit is not legal, but rely on the "home rule" in Texas to continue to convict drivers contrary to state law mandating the speed limit be the 85th percentile of the traffic survey speed. This area is artificially posted low just to write tickets and collect revenue.
Plano Pkwy between 121 and Windhaven Pkwy
There will be a white crown vic parked on either the northbound side of the street or the median. He is usually there between 3 and sunset. Speed limit is 50mph
East Plano Parkway between US75 and Los Rios Blvd
Always 1 or 2 cops in SUVs running Ka band radar along this section of East Plano Parkway.