Port Isabel, Texas Speed Traps

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Port Isabel 5 mi from Pizza hut going towards Laguna Height

Port Isabel, TexasJun 28, 20130 Comments

I was driving at about 11insh PM towards McAllen. He pulled me over after making up his mind, he stopped the guy behind me, then he decided to let it go and go after me; he pulled me over in the 55 zone. He said I was driving at 45 in a 35 zone when I was driving at 30 in a 35 zone, then 45 in a 45 zone, and I continued driving at 45 in a 55 and 65 zone. Next thing we know this is a police state like Mexico where they ticket you whenever they want for no reason. I went to paid the ticket and I wanted to talk to the judge and they said he was in school. For God’s sake if you are a judge you are supposed to be smart have like a phd in law and not to be in school but working. When I paid the ticket they called me el guero, light-skinned Mexican. Now they are going to pull you over based on color and ethnicity. I don’t like the power the states are giving to the police, absolute control that allows corrupt judge and people above to martyrize innocent and hard working Americans of any ethnical and skin color.

Hwy 100 outside of Port Isabel

Port Isabel, TexasApr 04, 20111 Comments

Coming into Port Isabel from South Padre Island the speed limit signs are 65 mph. I found it interesting that the speed limit signs dropped to 45 mph outside the city, then to 30 mph, but the speed limit on my GPS unit stayed at 65 mph. The GPS finally dropped just outside the city. I have never had a problem with my GPS speed display. It normally changes within a second of passing a speed limit sign, but not in Port Isabel. This happened to be around spring break and I noticed 3 police vehicles pulling over speeders in heavy traffic on both sides of the highway. (so going into and coming out of Port Isabel) I wonder if they moved their signs to reduce speed further out of the city during heavy traffic times? I see both a safety responsibility because of increased pedestrian traffic, but also a business opportunity with increase ticket revenue for the city. Call it what you want, it’s still a speed trap. I think a couple of signs warning drivers to “reduce speed ahead, heavy pedestrian traffic” would work better from a safty point of view. Too many people rely on their GPS units to verify speed limits, especially in heavy traffic when you are watching cars and changing lanes to give the pulled over vehicles more room.

State Route 48 near State Route 100

Port Isabel, TexasFeb 04, 20081 Comments

Coming into Port Isabel on 48 from Brownsville. Speed limit on 48 is 55 MPH. Sign warns of reduced speed ahead. The next speed limit sign says 55 MPH. The next sign, 500 feet away reads 45 MPH. The next sign, 200 feet away reads 35 MPH. I was ticketed for 57 in a 45 zone.

State Highway 100 near Queen Isabella Bridge

Port Isabel, TexasMay 31, 20072 Comments

Was driving in the right lane, being passed by most of the traffic. Got pulled over right before bridge, said I was going 41 in a 30. GPS tracking later showed I was going 36.

Light House

Port Isabel, TexasMay 13, 20072 Comments

When returning from South Padre Island and exiting the causeway there is always one or two Port Isable city policemen ready to ticket you. Speed Limit 20 Unreasonable

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