Quitman, Texas Speed Traps

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Hwy 778 West just inside the city limits

Quitman, TexasSep 03, 20101 Comments

Traveling into town the speed limit drops from 70 mph to 45 mph at the top of the hill. Local officers wait at the bottom of the hill near the cemetery on the right to ticket any and all.

State Highway 154 West near Lake Fork Bridge

Quitman, TexasMay 13, 20083 Comments

Trooper stops/tickets males incessantly from the Lake Fork Bridge east on 154 to Quitman. He stops women but doesn’t ticket usually–just has them get out & do the test walk. Avoid this stretch of highway, speed limit 60 mph, if at all possible. Quitman residents already take another route when traveling to Sulphur Springs to avoid harassment & tickets.

Hwy. 154, both east & west, Hwy. 37, both north & south

Quitman, TexasApr 07, 20020 Comments

City policemen hide behind billboards coming into city of Quitman from all four directions; write tickets regardless of time of day or night! City judge is also local justice of the peace, who has no mercy on anyone except her close friends and local officials and their families. BE AWARE!!

154 right before going in to town up the hill

Quitman, TexasApr 04, 20020 Comments

154 right before going in to town up the hill he will be there it’s a 60 mph to 50 mph to 45mph in about quarter mile. the speed limit signs are realy close and you want think of looking at the signs. But in about quarter of a mile you go from 70 to 45. And he will be on the top of the hill watching you when you come up it . and there you will contribute to the big town of Quitman.

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