Refugio, Texas Speed Traps

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E Empresario St & S Alamo St

Refugio, TexasJun 21, 20090 Comments

As you enter the city from the south on Hwy 77, there is a hidden cruiser. The speed limit changes from 70 to 35 and we thought it was 45. We did not go back to double check the speed limit signs, but you need to be warned….some of these tiny Texas towns are so poor that their only way of earning revenue is thru speed traps. Be careful..we were doing 43 in what he said was a 35 zone and that is $10 a mile PLUS about $95 in a state tax that I had never heard of before and my husband used to be a city magistrate.

US Highway 77

Refugio, TexasMay 31, 20072 Comments

After the speed limit drops to 35mph as you enter from the north on US77, you will pass a school zone flasher on both sides of the road, just before the first convenience/gas/food store. If you enter the school zone when the lights are not flashing, as I did, and you stop at the store, you will be subject to being ticketed when you resume your travel because the flasher became illuminated while you were stopped. There are no additional written or flashing warnings posted inside the school zone. We went back and looked to be sure. Very suspicious as to who controls the timing of the school zone.

US Highway 77 near 77 through Refugio

Refugio, TexasMar 10, 20070 Comments

Refugio is known regionally for its strict enforcement of speed limits. The signs may not be visible in certain parts of the town. If entering via the Bayside route be careful as the speed limit drops quickly.

State Route 77 near State Highway 77a

Refugio, TexasFeb 21, 20050 Comments

Local town officer follows out of state cars out of town and clocks cars as they reach divided highway and 45 MPH sign. This is out of town with no businesses or housing, just a railroad track on the east side. It is still considered a school zone for the school .7 miles back in town, so the fine is higher. Officer tickets at 44 MPH in 20 zone at the 45 MPH sign. Other locals traveling same road, same speed not ticketed.

US 77

Refugio, TexasMar 19, 20031 Comments

Sherrifs and constables keep a close eye on the passing traffic through their tiny town. The speed limit slows from 70mph (outside city limits) to 30 (or 35)mph. You’ll probably need to stop for fuel or a snack anyhow so don’t fly through there.

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