Rockport, Texas Speed Traps

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In front of the High School and Middle School (Colorado Ave)

Rockport, TexasFeb 17, 20200 Comments

I don’t know where he is but I got a ticket in front of the new high school gym. He gets at least 5 a day there and in front of the middle school. In the morning he stops people on either Enterprise or Stadium Street and I have seen him at 4 by the middle school. Both school zones of 20 MPH. I stopped at the light and when I took off too fast, he got me.

181 between Hwy 35 & 1069

Rockport, TexasJun 20, 20111 Comments

They are sitting off the road under the overpass. they are hard to see and will add to the speed you are driving to get a higher fine out of you.

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