Rowlett, Texas Speed Traps

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Rowlett Road near Miller Road

Rowlett, TexasFeb 28, 20060 Comments

North & Southbound Rowlett Rd at Miller, officers will normally hide out of distance, and catch people who are either speeding, or running red lights.

Rowlett Road near Northbound headed across lake coming from Garland

Rowlett, TexasFeb 11, 20060 Comments

Car sits in the center median of Rowlett road facing south. Due to his parked location, his angle makes it almost impossible to see him since the center median trees obscure the view of him.. but he can clearly see you coming. He will hit you as you cross over the bridge.(no longer in city of Dallas territory). And by the time you see him…it’s way too late.

Dalrock Road near Miller Road

Rowlett, TexasMar 13, 20040 Comments

Driving North on Dalrock after Miller Rd, be very careful late at night. Often times, there is an officer parked in a southbount turn lane with radar on. Also, going North….there is usually an officer parked in the Lakeview Cleaners, and is next to impossible to see him until you get right next to the cleaners (embedded between two neighborhoods)

North on Dalrock Between I-30 and Hwy 66

Rowlett, TexasFeb 26, 20030 Comments

You can ususally count on at least on cop on this 2.5 mile strech of road, sometimes many more. Alot of people will be exiting off the interstate and use to driving at a higher speed limit and not pay attention to the 40 mph speed limit. Most of the time they are using radar but I do not know what kind.

If your radar detector goes off..SLOW DOWN. Basically this holds true for the entire town of Rowlett. This is the most heavily patrolled town that I have ever lived in so just be cool and drive within 5 miles of the posted speed limits and you should be O.K..

You know it’s tough when they arrested the mayor last month for drunk driving!!

Miller Road at Muddy Creek

Rowlett, TexasMar 01, 20000 Comments

This section of Miller road is between Rowlett Rd and Dalrock Rd. The PD units typically park well off the road in gravel lot by Muddy Creek. As you travel East on Miller Rd. you top a hill and suddenly are in view of the unit. The distance is short and the angle is high. The posted speed is 40 but the road like any farm market road with no side streets that you would expect to be 55mph

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