Rusk, Texas Speed Traps

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Near the intersection of HWY 69 and 84.

Rusk, TexasJan 03, 20200 Comments

When going north on HWY 69 and approaching the intersection of HWY 84, there’s a huge downward hill where the speed limit goes from 45 at the top of the hill, to 40. If you don’t ride on your brakes, you’ll exceed the reduced speed. This is a town favorite, you’ll see a cop parked right at the bottom of that hill very often so they can keep their jobs.

US 69

Rusk, TexasSep 13, 20170 Comments

speed limit changes several times within a very short distance,officers write tickets for speeding within sight of signs with higher posted speed.

hwy 84w. adjacent dollar store in church lot

Rusk, TexasMar 19, 20101 Comments

On the south side of hwy 84 (AKA "6th street"),in a church parking lot, across the street from the dollar store. The speed limit is 35mph and this is at the bottom of a hill either way.You can’t see the cop from west, and from the east it is too late by the time you see him. Generally there after 6pm.But beware always!

US Highway 69

Rusk, TexasMar 10, 20085 Comments

If you are traveling north or south on Hwy 69 in between Lufkin and Tyler, you pass through the town of Rusk. The speed limit drops rapidly from 70 to 35 in less than a mile. Typically there is a Rusk police car parked at the bottom of the hill (on the left-hand side) if you are traveling North and (on the right-hand side) in you are traveling South in a parking lot that is surrounded by trees, so you do not see them when you are traveling South until you pass them.

Highway 69 south into city limits

Rusk, TexasFeb 25, 20030 Comments

Just as you enter in the city’s limits, it goes from 60 to 50, as you approach the state hospital and go down a hill. As soon as it hits 50, it immediately hits 40. Drive the speed limit here as there are a ton of cops swarming this area and hiding behind billboards. Be careful!

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