Sachse, Texas Speed Traps

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pleasent valley Road near merritt Road

Sachse, TexasJan 09, 20061 Comments

sits beside the church. better stop at four way sop .

e plano parkway Street

Sachse, TexasJan 06, 20060 Comments

These guys have nothing better to do than lighten peoples pocketbooks. I know one in particular who it takes 10 minutes to roll out of the car. You would think they could do more physical exercise than harrass people.

Anywhere between HW 78/Murphy Rd and HW 78/FM 544

Sachse, TexasNov 27, 20020 Comments

Anywhere between Murphy Rd and FM 544 on HW 78 the police patrols sit in the unlit median breaks and turn lanes especially between 4:00am and 6:00am.
The speed limit is 45 mph but they will not usually mess with you unless you exceed 53 or so mph. They will be there most all day but at night they are near
impossible to see (I have tried).

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