Salado, Texas Speed Traps

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SB I35 after change from 2 lane to 3 lane

Salado, TexasApr 25, 20130 Comments

From Salado to North Georgetown; The road changes to pavement, opens up to 3 lanes, and speed limit is raised to 75. Watch for DPS sitting right on the exits and on the frontage roads, and plain out in the open fields between the highway and frontage Also, POSSIBLE BEAR IN THE AIR (Police chopper) doing speed measurements. I saw three troopers, previously unseen, enter the highway in a convoy and go ahead and pull over cars that passed at least 5 minutes earlier.

Main Street

Salado, TexasFeb 28, 20111 Comments

Officer sits in vacant parking lot next to Baptist church at bottom of hill, hidden by overgrown shrubs & trees.

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