San Angelo, Texas Speed Traps

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feeder ramp from bryant throughwat to houston harte

San Angelo, TexasApr 04, 20140 Comments

the police sit there in car hid when you come over bridge on the ramp they have you.

Johnson Street at the ASU campus

San Angelo, TexasJun 25, 20120 Comments

The speed limit on the asu campus part of Johnson Street is 25 mph. On Sunday mornings, a campus police officer sits in a parking lot between the two cross walks on Johnson St. No students are around at that time, but he does his duty to protect them from the "speeders" on their way to church.

Cox Lane

San Angelo, TexasJun 16, 20100 Comments

Rural road speed limit was reduced to 35, except 10mph ! at the 90 degree corner. Cops hide in the new residential area near the 10mph sign.

South off Loop 306 on Foster Rd to Butler Farm.

San Angelo, TexasJun 01, 20100 Comments

Coming off Loop 306 going South on Foster Rd. and coming from the North across Loop 306 from Sunset Drive to Foster Rd., speed limit is 45. On the South side of loop speed limit becomes 30 MPH. The street is down hill. A city cop sits on Buckskin lane or on Foster Rd. with radar. It is difficult to slow down to 30 quickly because the road is down hill. There are no houses or other impediments that would dictate such a slow speed limit.

Sul Ross in San Angelo.

San Angelo, TexasMar 26, 20100 Comments

The speed limit on Sul Ross is 25 mph with one stop light and 4 stop signs. The police will sit down side streets and bust you for speeding and for not coming to a complete stop at the stop signs (no rolling stops). Don’t stop for a nanosecond – cops can’t measure so you will get a ticket. There also seems to be some discrimination if a gringo is stopped by a Hispanic cop.

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