Sarita, Texas Speed Traps

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State Highway 77 near Main Street

Sarita, TexasNov 18, 20070 Comments

Sarita is a flyspeck town (population 250) on Hwy 77, 24 miles south of Kingsville / 51 miles north of Raymondville on the King Ranch. The notorious Driscoll speed trap is the next town north of Sarita.

Kenedy County Sheriff hiding on crossover between northbound and southbound lanes of Hwy 77. No radar detected, speed estimated? Officer courteous and professional.

Why does a tiny town need 4 JP courts? Note on fine schedule states: No one connected with this court gets any part of your fine(s). All are deposited with the county treasury. All court personnel are on a straight salary basis. 4 Judges = lots of straight salary!

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