Seabrook, Texas Speed Traps
Heading south on old hwy 146 approaching redbluff
Heading south on old hwy 146 just past the intersection that connects Redbluff to Hwy 146 cops hide behind the trees waiting for unsuspecting motorist.
Also when old hwy 146 backs up due to people turning right onto Redbluff to get back on hwy146 cops wait for impatient motorist who will bypass the stagnated traffic on the shoulder of the opposite lane, when you bypass the intersection they will cite you for driving on the wrong side of the road and blowing a stop sign, often there will be many vehicles receiving citations lined up on the side of the road. Watch out. If you have no patience find an alternate route. Seabrook cops have no mercy from my experience.
146 & nasa prkwy. Mon. Thru Friday. Rush hr.
Cops sit on Nasa Prkwy. out of sight from 146 Mon. Thru Fri. During after work rush Hr.
Repsdorph Rd.
Half way between Nasa Rd. 1 and 146 the local gestopo sit and hide in a small park on the east side of the road near a water tower. They have no mercy.
El Mar-Runs by Kroger at 146 and ends at Meyer Rd.
The road is a boulevard and the speed limit is 20 all the time. The Seabrook police sit on the side streets waiting for their victims.
State Highway 146 near the kemah bridge Loop
The cops like to sit in the loop for the kemah bridge on the Seabrook side. This loop is designed to allow you to go under the bridge. When the 146 4 lanes passes NASA Rd 1 toward kemah, SLOW DOWN. Within 150 yds you will see the cops at the side of the exit lane to go under the bridge.