Sherman, Texas Speed Traps

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State Highway 82 near US Highway 75

Sherman, TexasFeb 18, 20080 Comments

State Trooper set up on Hwy 82 EAST of Hwy 75 & before FM 1417 in the crossover between the east & west bound lanes. Trooper can be found there more often than not.

Interstate 75 near State Highway 503

Sherman, TexasAug 24, 20061 Comments

Watch for the black pickup under the bridge at 503 on 75. He’s mainly looking for 18-wheelers, but he’s lethal.

Grand Avenue near Houston/Lamar Street

Sherman, TexasMar 03, 20041 Comments

This trap goes in front of Austin College, on Grand Avenue. The speed limit is 30 on the entire stretch, until you get to Texoma Parkway. Most people think it is 45 (Because the other side streets are) but it is only 30, and police cars swarm there, and even once in a while have a fake police car set up.

Texoma Parkway near US Highway 82

Sherman, TexasFeb 20, 20040 Comments

Officer’s in this town are very aggresive toward speed or traffic violations. Traveling on Texoma Parkway use caution because you can bet they will be out there watching.

between sherman and denison on hwy 75 northbound mile marker 200

Sherman, TexasDec 06, 20020 Comments

radar detector won’t save you here. my detector didn’t sense anything till it was too late. He clocked right as a came over the the hill. and this was at 1 am. slow down on the tops of all hills even if you have a detector.

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