Sweeny, Texas Speed Traps
FM 524 near Texas Avenue
Speed Limit is reduced from 45 to 30 next to Subway. Cop loves to sit there, next door at the storage place or at the car wash nearby.
(FM 524/Main Street)
Ashley Wilson Road near North Elm Street
I see patrol parked usually either in the Stewart’s Grocery parking lot or in front of the High School, clocking people coming in from Christian’s Corner (speed limit drops from 45 to 30).
FM 524 & 1459 near City Limits
Speed in Sweeny is crazy… on 524 coming either ways, you have to slow down to 30 from 60 and there are 20 & 25 mph curves… 1459 the same, at 524, it starts out at 35 and actually goes down to 25 at the Bend Curves beofre leaving town…
ASHLEY WILSON road is the worst… i’ve seen plenty pulled over there by the high school…